Wissenschaftliche Literatur
nach Autoren in alphabetischer Reihenfolge
1. Verzeichnis wissenschaftlicher Literatur "Cogan-I-Syndrom"
| A |
Albrite JP, Resnick DM (1961). Cogan’s syndrome. Arch. Otolaryn. 74: 41
Allen NB, Cox CC, Cobo M et al. (1990). Use of immunsuppressive agents in the treatment of severe ocular and vascular manifestations of Cogan’s syndrome. Am J Med 88: 296-301
Arnold W, Gebbers JO (1984). Serum-Antikörper gegen Kornea- und Innenohrgewebe beim Cogan-Syndrom. Laryngol Rhinol Otol 63 (8): 428-432
Aschendorff A, Lohnstein P, Schipper J, Klenzner T (2004). Obliteration der Cochlea beim Cogan-Syndrom – Bedeutung für die Cochlear-Implant-Chirurgie. Laryngol Rhinol Otol 83: 836-839
| B |
Bachinski B, Wise J (1984). Cogan’s syndrome: a treatable cause of neurosensory deafness. Can J Ophthalmol 19: 145-147
Baumann A, Helbling A, Oertle S, Häusler R, Vilbert D (2005). Cogan's syndrome: clinical evolution of deafnessand vertigo in three patients, in: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 262, Nr 1, 1/2005, online publisheld 2004
Bentvenga S, Trimarchi F, Facchiano A (2003). Cogan’s Syndrome: acute vestibular and auditory dysfunction with interstitial keratitis. Am J Otolaryngol 5:258-261
Bernhardt D, Veltmann G, Dörwald R, Huth F (1976). Cogan-Syndrom bei Angiitis von Hirnnerven, Aortitis, Endokarditis und Glomerulonephritis. Dtsch. Med. Wschr. 101: 373
Bicknell JM, Holland JV (1978). Neurologic manifestations of Cogan syndrome. Neurology 28 (3): 278-281
Bischoff B (1972). Ein Beitrag zum Cogan-I-Syndrom. Klein. Mbl. Augenheilkunde. 161, 551
Bohndorf M, Baylkal HE, Plinkert PK, Pleyer U (1996). Cogan-I-Syndrom: Audiovestibuläre, ophthalmologische Befunde und Therapie bei 6 Patientinnen. HNO 44: 302-306
| C |
Casselman JW, Majoor MH, Albers FW (1994). MR of the inner ear in patients with Cogan syndrome. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 15: 131-138
Cinamon U, Kronenberg J, Hidesheimer M, Taitelbaum R (1995). Cochlear Implantation in patients suffering from Cogan's syndrome. J Laryngol Otol 111(10): 928-930
Char, DH (1978). HLA antigens in Cogan’s syndrome. Amer. J. Ophthal. 86. 850
Char DH, Cogan DG, Sullivan DR (1975). Immunologic study of non-syphilitic interstitial keratitis with vestibulo-auditory symptoms. Am J. Ophthalmol. 80: 491-494
Cheson BD (1977). Cogan’s syndrome and BW 17 revisted. New Engl. J. Med. 297. 62
Cheson BD, Bluming AZ, Alroy J (1976). Cogan’s syndrome: a systemic vasculitis. Am J Med 60 (4): 549-555
Cochrane AD, Tatoulis J (1991). Cogan’s syndrome with aortitis, aortic regurgitation and aortic vessel stenosis. Ann Thorac Surg 52: 1166-1167
Cody DTR, Williams HL (1960). Cogan’s syndrome. Laryngoscope (St. Louis). 70: 447
Cogan DG (1945). Syndrome of nonsyphilitic interstitial keratitis and vestibulo-auditory symptoms. Arch Ophthalmol 33: 144-149
Cogan DG (1955). Corneoscleral lesions in periateritis nodosa and Wegener’s granulomatosis. Tran. Amer. Ophthal. Soc. 53. 321
Cogan DG, Sullivan WR Jr (1975). Immunologic study of nonsyphilitic interstitial keratitis with vestibulatory symptoms. Am J Ophthalmol 80: 491-494
Covelli M, Lapadula G, Pipitone V (1999). Cogan’s syndrome: unsuccessful outcome with early combination therapy. Clin Exp Rheumaltol 17: 479- 483
Crawford WJ (1957). Cogan’s syndrome associated with polyarteritis nodosa: report of three cases. Penn. Med. J. 60: 835-
Cundiff J, Kansal S, Kumar A, Goldstein D, Tessler H (2006). Cogan’s syndrome: a cause of progressive hearing deafness. Am J Ophthalmol 27: 58-70
| D |
Del Carpio J, Espinoza LR, Osterland CK (1976). Cogan’s syndrome and HLA Bw 17. New Engl. J. Med. 295, 1262
Dorn A, Baghai A, Dockter G, Ruprecht KW, Sitzmann FC (1995). Das Cogan-I-Syndrom. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkd 143: 328-333
| E |
Editorial (1991). Cogan's syndrome. Lancet 337: 1011-1012
Edström S, Vahlne A (1976). Immunological findings in a case of Cogan’s syndrome. Acta Otolaryngol 82 (3-4). 212-215
Eisenstein B, Taubenhaus M (1958). Nonsyphilitic interstitial keratitis and bilateral deafness (Cogan’s yndrome) associated with cardiovascular disease. N Engl J Med 258(22). 1074-1079
| F |
Fidler H, Jones NS (1989). Late onset Cogan’s syndrome. J Laryngol Otol 103: 512-514
Fisher ER, Hellstrom HR (1961). Cogan’s syndrome and systematic vascular disease. Arch. Path. 72. 96
Fischer E, Lang-Roth R, Hüttenbrink KB (2007). Atypisches Cogan Syndrom und Morbus Basedow: beidseitige Ertaubung, Neuritis optici und systemische Manifestationen bei einer Schwarzafrikanerin (Poster), DGPP 2007 D-A-CH, 24. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie, Innsbruck, 28. bis 30.09.2007
| G |
Garcia Berrocal R, Vargas JA, Vaquero M, Ramony Cajal S, Ramirez-Camacho RA (1999). Cogan's syndrome: an oculo-audio-vestibular disease. Postgrad Med J 75:262-264
Gaubitz M, Lubben B, Seidel M, Schotte H, Gramley F, Domschke W (2001). Cogan's syndrome: organspecific autoimmune disease or systematic vasculitis? A report of two cases and review of the literature. Clin Exp Rheumatol 19:463-469
Gilbert WS, Talbot FJ (1969). Cogan’s syndrome. Signs of periarteritis nodosa and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Arch Ophthalmol 82 (5).</strong > 633-636
Gluth MB, Baratz KH, Matesson EL, Driscoll CLW (2006). A Retrospective Review of 60 Patients Throughout a Half Century. Mayo Clin Proc. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and research.
Gordon BH, Kinney SE, Barna BP, et al. (1983). Autoimmune reactivity in Cogan’ syndrome: a preliminary report. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 91: 24-32
Grasland A, Pouchot J, Hachulla E, Bletry O, Papo T, Vinceneux P (2004). Study group of Cogan’s syndrome. Typical and atypical Cogan’s syndrome: 32 cases and review of the literature. Rheumatology (Oxford); 43: 1007-1015
Graff JM, Freed N, Oetting TA (2007). Cogan's Syndrome: 42 year-old Female with Interstitial Keratitis and Vertigo. May 24, 2007, updated Nov 20, 200. EyeRounds.org
Gouveris H, Selivanova O, Mann W (2004). Intratympanic dexamethasone with hyaluronic acid in the treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss after failure of intravenous steroid and vasoactive therapy. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2004 Apr 29
| H |
Hammer W, Witte T, Mugge A, et al. (1944). Complicated Cogan’s syndrome with aorticinsufficiency and coronary stenosis. J Rheumatol 21: 552-555
Harbert F, McPherson SD (1947). Scleral necrosis in periateritis nodosa. Amer. J. Pphthal. 82. 633
Haynes BF, Kaiser-Kupfer MI, Mason P, Fauci AS (1980). Cogan Syndrome: studies in thirteen patients, long-term follow-up, and a review of the literature. Medicine (Baltimore) 59 (6): 426-441
Haynes BF, Pikus A, Kaiser-Kupfer MI, Fauci AS (1981). Successful treatment of suddenhearing loss in Cogan’s syndrome with corticosteroids. Arthritis Rheuma. 24: 501-503
Heinemann MH, Scott M, Soloway RL, Lesser RL (1980). Cogan’s syndrome. Ann. Ophthal. 12
Helmchen C, Arbusow V, Jäger L, Strupp M, Stöcker W, Schulz P (1999). Cogan's syndrome: clinical significance of antibodies against the inner ear and cornea. Acta Otolaryngol 119: 528-537
Helmchen C, Jäger L, Buttner U, et al. (1998). Cogan’s syndrome – high resolution MRI indicators of activity. J Vestib Research 8: 155-167
Hesse G, Laszig R (1987). Cogan-Syndrom: Plötzliche, beidseitige, hochgradige Hörminderung. HNO 35: 376-380
Hülse M, Partsch CJ (1975). Das Cogan-Syndrom. Laryngol Rhinol 54: 977-985
Hughes GB, Kinney SE, Barna BP, Tomsak RL, Calabsrese LH (1983). Autoimmune reactivity in Cogan's syndrome: a priliminary report. Arch Otolaryngol 119: 528-537
| K |
Kaiser-Kupfer MI, Del Valle LA, Mittal KK, Haynes BF (1978). HLA and Cogan’s syndrome. New England J. Med. 298.1094
Kundell Sp, Ochs HD (1980). Cogan’syndrome in childhood. J Pediatr 97: 96-98
| L |
Livingston JZ, Casale AS, Hutchins GM, et al. (1992). Coronary involvement in Cogan’s syndrome. Am Heart J 23: 528-530
Low WK, Burgess R, Teoh CK (2000). Cochlear Implantation in a Patient with Cogan’s Syndrome, Chronic Ear Disease and on Steroid Therapy. Otorhinolaryngol, vol 57, pp 157-159
Lunardi C, Bason C, Leandri M, Navone R, Lestani M, Millo E, Benfatti U, Cilli M, Beri R, Corrocher R, Pucchetti A (2002).</strong > Autoantibodis to inner ear and endothelial antigens in Cogan’s sindrome. Lancet. 360: 915-921
| M |
Majoor MH, Albers FW, Casselman JW (1993). Clinical relevance of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography in Cogan’s syndrome. Acta otolaryngol (Stockh), 113: 625-631
Majoor MH, Albers FWJ, van der Gaag R, Gmelig-Meyling F, Huizing EH (1992). Corneal autoimmunitiy in Cogan’s syndrome? Report of cases. Ann Otol Rhinol Larygol 101 (8). 679-684
Martínez-Osorio H, Fuentes-Páez F, Calonge M (2006). Severe keratopathy in paediatric Cogan's syndrome. Rheumatology 2006 45 (12): 1576-1577
Massinger C, Keilmann A (2003). Das Cogan-I-Syndrom: Eine seltene Differenzialdiagnose bei progredienter Innenohrschwerhvrigkeit im Kindesalter. HNO (51): 66-70
Mc Donald TJ, Vollertsen RS, Young BR (1985). Cogan`s syndrome: Audiovestibular involvement and prognosis in 18 patients. Laryngoscope 95: 650-654
Minet M, Deggouj N, Gersdorff M (1997). Cochlear implantation in patients with cogan’s syndrome: a review of our cases. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol , 254: 495-462
Miserocchi E (2002).Cogan’s syndrome – Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical school, Boston.
Mogan RF, Baumgartner CJ (1934). Menière’s disease complicated by recurrent interstitial keratitis: excellent result following cervial ganglionectomy: report of a case. West J Surg 42: 628-631
Morgan GJ Jr., Hochman R, Weider DJ (1984). Cogan's syndrome: acute vestibular and auditory dysfunction with interstitial keratitis. Am J Otolaryngol 5: 258-261
Moscicki R.A, Dan Martin J.E, Quintero C.H, et coll. (1994). Serum antbody to inner ear proteins in patients with progessive hearing loss. Correlation with disease activity and response to corticoid treatment. JAMA. 272: 611-616
| N |
Nolte K.W., Hans V. J., Schattenfroh C., Weis J, Schröder M. (2007). Perineurial cells filled with collagen in "atypical" Cogan's syndrome, in: Acta Neuropathologica, published online: 21.9.2007
| O |
Orsoni J, Zavota L, Pellistri I, et al. (2002). Cogan Syndrome. Cornea 21: 356-359
Orsoni J, Zavota L, Vincenti V, Pellistri I, Rama P (2004). Cogan Syndrome in Children: Early Diagnosis and Treatment is Critical to Prognosis. Am J Ophthalmol 137: 757-758
| P |
Pasanisi E, Vincenti V, Bacciu A, Guida M, Berghenti T, Barbot A, Orsoni JG, Bacciu S (2003). Cochlear Implantation and Cogan Syndrome. Otology and Neurotology. 24: 601-604
Pau H. W. (1978). Das Cogan Syndrom. Laryngol. Rhinol. Otol. 57. 907.
Pausch J, Jäckle B, Schmidt D, Mann W (1982). Systemerkrankung mit enger Beziehung zum Cogan-I-Syndrom. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 107 (29–30): 1143-1147
Peeters G. J., Cremers C. W., Pinckers A. J., Hoefnagels W. H. (1986). Atypical Cogan’s syndrome: an autoimmune disease? Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 95: 173-175
Pinals RS (1978). Cogan’s syndrome with arthritis and aortic insufficiency. J Rheumaltol 5: 294-298
Pleyer U, Baykal HE, Rohrbach J, Bohndorf M, Rieck P, Reimann J, Kuhnt P, Saal J (1995). Cogan-I-Syndrom: Zu oft zu spät erkannt? – Ein Beitrag zur Frühdiagnose des Cogan-I-Syndroms. klein Monatsblatt Augenheilkd 1995; 207: 3-10.
Podder S, Shephard RC (1994). Cogan’s syndrome: a rare systematic vasculitis. Arch Dis Child 71: 163-164
| S |
Schedler MGJ, Bartylla M. (1994). Retrospektive und prospektive Untersuchungen an Patienten mit Cogan-I-Syndrom. Laryngorhinootologie 73 (12): 662-666
Schuknecht HF, Nadol JB Jr (1994). Temporal bone pathology in a case of Cogan's syndrome. Lancet 360: 915-531
Selivanaova O, Haxel BR, Mann WJ (2005). Das Cogan-Syndrom – eine diagnostische Herausforderung. online publiziert am 02.09.2005. HNO. Springer-Verlag
Shah P, Luqmani RA, Murray PL, et al. (1994). Posterior scleritis – an unusual manifestacionof Cogan’s syndrome. Br J Rheumatl 33: 774-775
Shihada R, Ben-David J, Brodsky A, Toubi E, Luntz M (2007). Cogan Syndrome: a rare Atypical presentation. IMAJ 9: 52-53
St. Clair WE, McCallum Rex M (1999). Cogan`s syndrome. Current Opinion of Rheumatology 1999, 11:47-52
Strathmann S, Burmester GR, Rüther K, Olze H. (2008). Das Cogan-I-Syndrom: eine seltene Differentialdiagnose bei progredienter Innenohrschwerhörigkeit. Dt. Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie. 79. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie. Bonn, 30.04.-04.05.2008. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2008. Doc 08hnod261
Stratmann S et al.(2009). Cogan-I-Syndrom – eine seltene Differenziealdiagnose bei progredienter Innenohr- schwerhörigkeit. In: Laryngo-Rhino-Otol 88: 477-478;
| T |
Terjung B, Helmchen C, Samtleben W (1993). Glucocoticoid-Monotherapie beim Cogan-Syndrom? Dtsch Med Wochenschr 118: 1231-1235
| V |
Vinceneux P, Pouchot J (1991). Le syndrome de Cogan. 753-762 In M.F. Kahn, A. P. Peltier, O. Meyer, J.C. Piette. Les maladies systemiques, vol. 1 p. 1273. Flammarion, Paris
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Vishwakarma R, Shawn TJ. (2007). Cochlear implant in Coghan’s syndrome. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 264: 1121-1124
Vollertsen RS, McDonald TJ, Younge BR, Banks PM, Stanson AW, Ilstrup DM (1986). Cogan’s Syndrom: 18 cases and a review of the literature. Mayo Clin Proc 61 (5): 344-361
Vollertsen RS (1990). Vasculitis and cogan’s syndrome. Rheumatic Dis. Clin. north Amer. 16: 433-439)
| W |
Wilder-Smith E, Roelcke U (1990). Cogan‘s Syndrome. J Clin Neuro Ophthalmol 10: 261-263
Wilder-Smith E, Roelcke U (1991). Das Cogan-Syndrom. Laryngorhinootologie 70: 90-91
Wolff D, Bernhard WG, Tsutsumi S, Ross JS, Nussbaum HE (1965). The pathology of Cogan’s syndrome causing profound deafness. Ann Otol. (St. Louis) 74: 507-
| Z |
Zechner G (1980). Zum Cogan-Syndrom. Acta Otolaryngol 89 (3-4): 310–316
Zierhut M, Schlote T, Stübinger N et al. (2000). Cogan-I-Syndrom: Klinik, Therapie und Prognose. Ophthalmologe 97: 197-202
Zimmermann I, Widmer U, Weller M, Spillmann T, Fontana A. (?). in: Klinische Immunologie. S. 872- 875
2. Wissenschaftliche Beiträge in unmittelbarem Zusammenhang zum CS
| C |
Cogan DG, Dickersin GR. (1963). Syndrome of nonsyphilitc interstitial keratitis and vestibuloauditory symptoms – a case with fatal aortitis. Trans. Amer. Opthal. Soc. 61: 113-
| G |
Gloddeck B, Matthei C, Alexiou C (2005). Cochleo-vestibuläre Funktionsstörungen bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen. HNO-Informationen (Kongressabstrakt)
| W |
Wang R, Parisier S, Weiss M, Chute P, Hellman S, Sauris E (1990). Cochlear Implant Flap Complications. Otol Rhinol Laryngol 99: 791-795